
(On sabbatical, 2024-25)

[CV] [Google scholar]

Hi, I am a senior lecturer in economics at Queen's University Belfast, doing research on market design.

I have published in Games and Economic Behavior, the Journal of Mathematical Economics, Social Choice and Welfare, Economics Letters and Mathematical Social Sciences. My research has been covered by The Economist, the Financial Times, the MIT Technology Review, BBC's Thinking Allowed and Forbes.  

I obtained my PhD from the University of Glasgow in 2017 under the supervision of Hervé Moulin.

I am/have been on the program committee for the 2023 & 2024 Conference on Economics and Computation, the 2022 & 2024 Matching in Practice Workshop,  and the 2024 Royal Economic Society Conference.

I am co-chairing the Irish Network on Economic Theory. Our first workshop will take place on September 27, please see the call for papers here.


1. School choice with independent versus consolidated districts

Games and Economic Behavior (2024) with T. Klein and R. Aue, 

2. The cost of strategy-proofness in school choice

Games and Economic Behavior (2023) with T. Klein, 

extended abstract in the Matching under Preferences Workshop.

3. Fair cake-cutting in practice

Games and Economic Behavior (2022) with M. Kyropoulou and E. Segal-Halevi, 

extended abstract in the Conference on Economics and Computation.

4. Obvious manipulations in cake-cutting

Social Choice and Welfare (2022) with E. Segal-Halevi. 

5. On the integration of Shapley-Scarf housing markets

Journal of Mathematical Economics (2022) with K. Manocha and R. Kumar, 

extended abstract in the Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory.

6. Efficiency and fairness in cake-cutting with single-peaked preferences,

Economics Letters (2020) with B. Bhardwaj and R. Kumar

7. Multi-unit assignment under dichotomous preferences

Mathematical Social Sciences (2020).

8. The losses from integration in matching markets can be large

Economics Letters (2019)

9. Social integration in two-sided matching markets

Journal of Mathematical Economics (2018)

Working Papers

1. Unimprovable students and inequality in school choice, with G. Ziegler and P. Aribillaga


2. The limits of school choice with consent, with G. Ziegler

    extended abstract in the Conference on Web and Internet Economics.

3. Social integration via online dating, with P. Hergovich. 

Ongoing Projects

1. Appeals in school choice, with C. Cerrone and Y. Hermstrüwer

2. Experimental school choice with parents as subjects, with T. Klein and M. Freer

Refereeing and Editorial Activities

Program Committee: 

Journals: Journal of Economic Theory,  Management Science, AEJ Microeconomics, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Social Choice and Welfare, Economics Letters, International Journal of Game Theory, Economic Inquiry, Theory and Decision, Social Networks, Mathematical Social Sciences, Journal of Demographic Economics,  Stochastic Systems. 

Other Conferences: EC 2020, WINE 2018, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Games, Agents & Incentives Workshop.

PhD Students

Taylor Knipe, main advisor, current (from 2024)

Awards and Grants

As PI: 

As co-PI:

Internal Grants:



Mexican and British, 35 years old.

Address: Office 02.021, Riddel Hall Block 3, 185 Stranmillis Rd, Belfast BT9 5EE

My football record at the Austrian Football Association website 😬