The Irish economic theory network is a group of economic theorists based on the island of Ireland. It aims to promote collaborative research and grant applications between its members.

Our first annual workshop will take place at Queen's University Belfast on September 27, 2024. The call for papers is here. Prof. Sophie Bade from Royal Holloway, University of London is the keynote speaker. Submission of full papers or work in progress should be sent by email to by August 15. There is no registration fee, and lunch and dinner will be covered for participants. Participants are expected to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.

We also aim to regularly organize special sessions at the Irish Economic Association annual conference. 

Any scholar based in the island of Ireland interested in economic theory is welcome to join the network. To do so, please email

The co-chairs of the network are:

This network is part of the Irish Economic Association's thematic research networks.   

Call for Papers.pdf